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Making the Most of Networking

By Aileen Hinsch posted 03-21-2023 12:10


Making the Most of Networking

By: Rebecca Hnatowski

Senior Marketing and Business Development Manager, Williams Mullen

Do you hear the word “networking” and want to run in the other direction? Does it bring up visions of being in the middle of a crowded room, holding a beverage awkwardly because you don’t know what else to do with your hands? Let’s take a collective deep breath and try to envision a better outcome, together.


Reach out to event organizers and ask for a copy of the registration list. Identify a few folks that you would like to meet in advance of the event and bring that list with you. Pack your business cards.

Eyes Up

Look for the attendees with extra flair on their nametags. This flair typically designates those who serve in leadership positions. These individuals want to welcome you to the event and will be happy to introduce you to the individuals you flagged to meet, and they will expand your network by introducing you to others they know.

Listen Sharply

Gina Eliadis, Director of Marketing and Business Development at Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, shared this tip with me, “Listen sharply during your discussions, especially for ways you can help.” This is excellent advice and provides for organic follow-up opportunities.

Think Strategically

Are you hoping to spend some one-on-one time with someone at the event? If so, ask if they would like to meet you for a cup of coffee or beverage of choice at a spot near the event, but far enough away that you will be virtually guaranteed to have uninterrupted networking time with them.

Follow Up

Did you meet someone new that you want to stay in touch with? Send them a note. “Do not say, ‘Let’s circle up in April’; get something firm on the calendar,” suggests Alice Simons, Marketing Manager at DLA Piper. Proactively identify a few dates within a time period to get together (if local) or for a Zoom (if virtual).

No Event, No Problem

“Supplement in-person networking activities on social media by connecting on LinkedIn and thoughtfully commenting on posts,” suggest Arthur Uratani, Director of Marketing and Outreach at Bookoff McAndrews. Doing so fills in the gaps between events and keeps your network fresh.

Get Involved

One of the best ways to get the most out of networking is to engage with the association or group you are networking with at a higher level. If you feel – even after reading this article – that you only had surface-level interactions and did not feel empowered to connect with prospects after the event, consider becoming involved in the organization. Doing so will put you in regular contact with industry peers and develop deep, meaningful relationships.

Next Up

Want to practice these new networking skills? Attend the LMA Annual Conference in Hollywood, Florida April 24-26, 2023. For more information and to register, click here.

