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LMASW Member Spotlight | Susan Hunt

By Brittany Lewis posted 03-14-2024 12:43


Name: Susan Hunt
Position: Marketing Director
Family: 3 children: One son at UT Austin, a daughter at Ole Miss, and my youngest son is a junior in high school.
Hometown: Houston
Education: BS Communications from UT Austin

At what point in your life did you realize you wanted to pursue a career in the legal industry and why are you passionate about your profession? 

Frankly, I stumbled into legal marketing after a mid-pandemic layoff. I was working at a retained executive search firm that recruited C-suite executives for law firms, so I had learned about the challenges and opportunities facing the legal industry. Legal marketing was a natural transition, and I fell in love with the work and my colleagues. We have a great team of people who are genuinely invested in doing good legal work for our clients.  

What made you decide to join LMA and how long have you been involved? 

I joined in the midst of the pandemic after watching Jessica Aries and Roy Sexton on one of their Coffee Talks. They were openly and candidly talking about the real challenges (professional and personal) they were facing and freely sharing concrete actionable ideas and strategies. I knew I wanted to be part of such an authentic organization that was invested in lifting up all its members. 

Tell us a little bit about why you wanted to join the LMASW Board or Local Steering Committee (LSC). 

The LMASW Virtual Group asked for volunteers during a social. I raised my hand and never looked back.

What time do you typically get up on a workday, and what’s your ideal morning routine to get it off to a great start?

My morning routine has evolved as my kids have grown; they need me less in the mornings and two are off at university. I would like to say that, now that I have time, I faithfully rise every morning at 5 a.m. and take the dog for a walk, but … most often I get up at 6 a.m. and try to be in the office by 7:30 so I can quietly digest e-mail and industry news. 

What’s something about your job that might surprise people?

Legal marketers won’t be surprised by this, but I wear all the hats. I write, design, strategize, plan, post, track analytics, edit videos, coach, and set and manage the budget for organic, digital, social media, and video marketing, as well as business development and sponsorships. I love the diversity and creativity of my days. It never gets boring. 

What are your best productivity hacks? 

Lists. And weekly reports to my shareholders help hold me accountable for pushing all the projects forward. 

What’s a leadership skill you’ve learned the hard way? 

Delegate. And take the time to train so when you do delegate, you are truly removing something off your plate. And screw impostor syndrome! None of us knows what we’re doing until we start doing it. 

What are some of your hobbies or favorite things to do in your free time?

Running, cycling, live music (I love alt-rock and alt-country), spending time with my kids and friends and family, and linocut printmaking.

Tell us about some of your volunteer efforts in the community and why you support those causes/organizations.

I stay involved in the community through donations and volunteer activities with my church.

What’s one of the smartest purchases you’ve ever made? What’s one of the dumbest?

My smartest purchase has been my home; it’s a sanctuary, a happy home, and 15 minutes from everything. My dumbest purchase was a Panama hat at a resort in Mauritius. I miscalculated the exchange rate and accidentally bought a very expensive straw hat. The memory still makes me cringe. That said, I love and wear it to this day so hopefully the CPW (cost per wear) is coming down. 😉

Can you name someone who has had a great impact on you as a leader, or someone who has been a mentor to you in your life or career? How have they changed your outlook?

My former manager Jane Howze at The Alexander Group (a firm she founded in 1983) had an enormous impact on my career. She gave me a position after a seven-year break from the workforce, invested in and honed my writing and marketing acumen and, perhaps most importantly, she believed in me – and still does. 

She taught me that word choice matters. For example, she was steadfast in insisting that women were “women… not girls, not ladies.” Using the word “girl” to refer to a grown woman makes me cringe and happens way too often. It seems like a small thing, but it impacts how you feel about your role in the workplace. We are not girls; we are grown women and, similarly, should not be held to a standard of “ladylike” decorum or appearance in the workplace.

What is something you are absolutely determined to do in life?

I’m doing it! Enjoy a successful career; stay healthy; plan for a comfortable, secure future; and love on my friends and family. 

