For legal marketers at firms with B2C practices, generating new business within the vast, competitive consumer market can be challenging. The Business to Consumer Practices SIG (or B2C Practices SIG) is here to help. This SIG (formerly the Plaintiff Firm SIG) will provide a forum to share experiences and offer education and support to all B2C-practices marketers, no matter the size of their firm. Whether you want to roll out a new site, tackle digital marketing, or build business plans, we are here to help each other. The B2C Practices SIG is open to marketers who work in any area of consumer-facing business practices.
B2C Practices SIG Leaders:
- Crystal Breede, Marketing Director, Huffman & Huffman
- Emy Cook, Head of Operations & Marketing, Powers Taylor LLP
Quick Links for the B2C SIG
As a SIG member, you can customize the frequency of your SIG notifications. You may modify the settings at any time by following the instructions below:
- Login to LMA Connect. On the top right of this page, you will go to your Profile > My Account > Community Notifications. Within Community Notifications, you can select how you’d like to receive email notifications with each community you are a part of.