Each year, LMA International and subject matter experts team together to identify the "Next Big Thing" in legal marketing and how it will influence your role as a legal marketer.
In 2021, the Next Big Thing within Legal Marketing is Change Management. The year 2020 redefined our lives, our industry, and our world. Recognizing that change is the only constant, LMA's 2021 Next Big Thing initiative will focus on providing legal marketing professionals with the knowledge and tools they need to successfully navigate change for themselves, their teams and their firms.
Join us for programming on Change Management within the industry:
- Webinar (hosted January 2021)
- Annual Conference (recording coming soon)
- Regional programs will occur in June - December 2021
In the interim, we hope you connect with your peers via this community to continue dialogue and exchange of helpful resources!
Archived Years
2020 Next Big Thing: Service Metamorphosis 2.0 – Where Does “Service” Live and What Role Does It Play in a Global Pandemic?
In 2019, the Next Big Thing defined and structured Service Metamorphosis 1.0 – Driving Performance Improvement. A cornerstone of 1.0 was establishing the four stages of “Service Metamorphosis” and designing a comprehensive assessment tool so firms could analyze where they fall within the four stages. It was focused on how to build or improve your law firm’s service ethic and culture – and how to make it more measurable, accountable and predictable to your clients.
In 2020, we are doubling-down on “Driving Performance Improvement,” and are focusing on “Service within a Global Pandemic” hence, the theme Service Metamorphosis 2.0 – Where Does “Service” Live and What Role Does It Play in a Global Pandemic?. The only way for service to drive law firm performance improvement is to rethink, redesign and restructure the delivery of legal services based on how clients want them delivered.
Join us for programming on service within a global pandemic:
For specific questions, contact:
Brenda Plowman, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Deborah McMurray, Content Pilot, LLC
2019 Next Big Thing: Service Metamorphosis
The culture and structure of law firms have historically made institutional changes in service difficult to achieve. However, a shift is taking place that focuses on service through critical conversations. The 2019 Next Big Thing, Service Metamorphosis, identifies how service can make a strategic difference in a collaborative relationship, and how it can be used as a competitive differentiator.
For specific questions, contact:
Brenda Plowman, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Deborah McMurray, Content Pilot, LLC
2018 Next Big Thing: Law Firm Strategy Reboot
Is your firm's go-to-market strategy based on the realities of today's legal environment? Or is it ready for a reboot? The LMA 2018 Next Big Thing Initiative will outline the core business drivers and competitive forces impacting the marketplace.
For specific questions, contact:
Wendy Bernero, Baker McKenzie
Mark Beese, Leadership for Lawyers LLC
2017 Next Big Thing: Artificial Intelligence
In 2017, LMA kicked off the Next Big Thing Initiative around the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the role of the legal marketer. AI has been described as the next “Economic Power.” What is clear is that 2017 will likely be a tipping point for many in terms of not whether to dive in but how!
For specific questions, contact:
Elonide C. Semmes, Right Hat LLC
Mark T. Greene, Market Intelligence LLC – check out Mark’s blog, Today in Legal Artificial Intelligence, for frequent updates!
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